On Die, 2013-05-28 at 13:40 +0200, João Pais wrote:
> when you have a point defined by a variable, afaik it's always open to  
> user interaction. but, check the help for drawpolygon, the -x argument. I  
> never tried it.

Yeah, -x works. As mentioned by Martin, it makes the struct not report
clicks anymore.

I came up with another solution, somewhat similar to what Johannes
posted in the previous thread. I store the position at the time of the
'click' event and use the coordinates to reset the position on 'change'

> btw, a scalar is only a unit, which can have any graphic, text, symbol usw  
> you define in the template. for these questions it's better if you say  
> which class of element you're using. drawpolygon, usw usw

Sorry for not being clear. I was actually using [filledpolygon].


> > Hi all
> >
> > Is it possible to have a scalar with a settable position, but which
> > cannot be moved with mouse interaction?
> >
> > I figured I can use arrays to create grids of immutable scalars, but
> > then I don't know how I can detect which specific element/scalar has
> > been clicked on.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Roman
> >
> >
> >
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