Hi Martin,

The actual patch I'm using is translating MIDI pitch bend data recorded
in Ardour3 (location data encoded as pitchbend for practical purposes),
translating it into XML and sending it through to the SSR. It's already
limiting the rate to 10 messages every second for each moving source and
so far I'm only using 4 sources. This rate, done for testing, is already
less than ideal. Each location message sent SSR for a given source looks
something like the following:

<request><source id=1"><position x="1.234"

Does this seem excessive?



Em Mon, 2013-07-01 às 13:20 -0400, Martin Peach escreveu:
> It could be that you are overloading Pd with too many messages. If you 
> are wildly moving the slider and [tcpclient] is sending one TCP packet 
> per value you can add messages to the queue faster than they will be 
> sent out and Pd will eventually run out of resources.
> Maybe put a [speedlim] after your slider, or pack several values into 
> one message?
> Martin
> On 2013-07-01 11:53, Iain Mott wrote:
> >
> >>> I'll try the backtrace and other things you suggest and report back
> >>> on mrpeach/tcpclient in another email.
> >>
> >> it could well be, that it only does not crash with [iemnet/tcpclient]
> >> because you haven't parsed the output yet...
> >>
> >
> > Don't think so - to crash Pd, I wasn't doing any parsing of incoming
> > messages - just sending messages out.
> >
> > Did a backtrace using mrpeach/tcpclient - on a "freeze" as it didn't
> > actually crash. Got this response:
> >
> > #0  0x0000000000442623 in clock_unset (x=0x8c5c80) at m_sched.c:70
> > #1  clock_unset (x=0x8c5c80) at m_sched.c:62
> > #2  0x000000000044266e in clock_set (x=0x8c5c80, setticks=<optimised
> > out>)
> >      at m_sched.c:81
> > #3  0x00007fffd21cfec1 in tcpclient_child_send (w=0xdec548)
> >
> > at /home/kiilo/Documents/dev/pd-svn/externals/mrpeach/net/tcpclient.c:380
> > #4  0x00007ffff7bc4e9a in start_thread ()
> >     from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread.so.0
> > #5  0x00007ffff6ec0ccd in clone () from /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6
> > #6  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
> >
> >
> > Will do some more tests later.
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> >
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