Aha - I can make this malfunction... don't know what's causing it yet.  It's
quite n abupt surprise when it happens :)

On Tue, Aug 27, 2013 at 08:37:25PM +0200, Max wrote:
> Am 27.08.2013 um 18:57 schrieb IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at>:
> > On 08/27/13 12:30, Max wrote:
> >> There is one little annoyance:
> >> if you select a GUI object, right click fro the properties and then go to 
> >> change on of the fields in the dialog, you can't hit backspace, because 
> >> this deletes the object and closes the properties dialog. Somehow the 
> >> backspace takes effect on the canvas instead of the numbers of say 
> >> changing the values of a slider.
> > 
> > not on my pd-0.45.0.
> > this is on debian with xfce4, focus-follows-mouse policy.
> Are you sure the object is selected? the error is occurring for me on OS X 
> 10.8, haven't tried other platforms.
> m.

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