Le 10/09/2013 11:38, Nicolas Montgermont a écrit :
Same here on osx 10.6.8
But isn't that a pd-extended only feature?
it has always been working in vanilla / linux.
but I can confirm that it did not work any more on linux.
Le 10/09/13 09:03, peiman khosravi a écrit :
I can confirm the copying issue on OS X 10.7.5.
On 10 September 2013 06:36, Jaime E Oliver <jaime.oliv...@gmail.com
<mailto:jaime.oliv...@gmail.com>> wrote:
A couple of bugs it seems in osx 10.8.4 and pd 0.45-2
I cannot copy the content of one object box (i.e. the text inside the box
like name of an object and arguments) into another object.
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