this is with Miller's vanilla latest with  added iem_lib snagged in from
pd-extended, i didnt grab or complie ggee to test ~moog yet

On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 4:32 PM, Billy Stiltner <>wrote:

> re:  iem_cot~
> lo pass vcf2 started out in resonance with it and was way too loud, i
> figured it was a mistake, maybe not.
> "i guess you *also* removed/renamed the iem_sqrt4.pd_linux then, in
> order to make this work?"
> yep renamed it.
> I was too much in  hurry to play instead of compile.
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 3:59 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <>wrote:
>> Hash: SHA256
>> hi,
>> On 2014-02-25 00:39, Billy Stiltner wrote:
>> > hey iem_qrt4~.pd_linux crashes the newest pd-extended as well as
>> > the latest pd source from sourceforge on ubuntu studio 13.04.
>> [iem_sqrt4~] (i guess "qrt4" is just a typo) has been fixed a while
>> ago (namely around 2012-09), and i just confirmed that it works on
>> amd64 without problems.
>> it seems that this fix has not made it into the last pd-extended
>> release (which was released somewhen 2013-01, irrc).
>> you should either compile iemlib yourself, or get a nightly build that
>> contains the updated iemlib (you could simply extract the iemlib files
>> and replace the buggy ones, if you don't want to upgrade your entire
>> pd installation).
>> starting with ubuntu/trusty there is also a "pd-iemlib" package, that
>> should have the issue fixed.
>> (btw, it was really the "iem_sqrt4~" object that crashed, nothing any
>> host, be it pd-vanilla or pd-extended, pd-l2ork or pd-foobar, could do
>> about)
>> > I didn't want to mess with trying to figure out how to fix the
>> > source so I just made an iem_sqrt4~.pd that has a sqrt~  inside
>> i guess you *also* removed/renamed the iem_sqrt4.pd_linux then, in
>> order to make this work?
>> >
>> > now all the iemlib vcf filters work .
>> >
>> > some of the vcf pd files had an iem_cot~  instead of iem_cot4~
>> so what is the problem?
>> iemlib has both [iem_cot~] and [iem_cot4~]...
>> fgmsadr
>> IOhannes
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