On 04/02/2014 03:08 AM, Roman Haefeli wrote:
On Tue, 2014-04-01 at 17:20 -0300, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
you might want to see the messages sent by [qlist]
the same as messages in msgboxes,
where you don't have $0-expansion either

Bummer. anyway, this brings me to a different topic then. Why is there
this lack of expansion in messages?
Message boxes _do_ expand dollar arguments.

I think I've raised this issue sometime ago. Sorry I don't remember
what the problem was, but I'd like to ask again if it's really really
hard to expand the functionality in messages, or if this could happen
sometime soon in Pd.
The difference is that dollar arguments in message boxes expand to the
incoming message while dollar arguments in object boxes expand to the
arguments given to the parent. $0 in object boxes is actually an
argument given implicitly by Pd to the parent (every instance of a Pd
file gets a separate one).
I believe there won't be any compatibility issues by expanding this
functionality. Old patches will still work and newer patches could be
simpler, right?
You're asking for inconsistency: You propose to have a mixture of dollar
arguments in message boxes, namely you want $0 to expand to an argument
of the parent and all other dollar arguments expand according to the
incoming message.

I think what the OP wants is some minimally-workable notion of scope wrt receive-symbols. Because $0 doesn't deliver this, the next best thing is an inconsistent $0 that gets closer to minimally-workable scope. It says something that so many people are willing to overlook the inconsistency to get behavior that doesn't cause them to pull their hair out.

While I also don't see how your proposal would break compatibility, I
think what I said above is the reasoning why things are how they are.

Tim Blechmann already addressed scope and implemented a solution in Nova. There are certainly developers in the Pd community who could port that idea, or maybe even something better. But free software devs have limited time, and they're smart, so they know if a now prominent Supercollider dev can't get such a needed improvement into Pd then they probably have 1000 better ways to spend their time.


While I don't have a strong opinion on the subject matter, I suspect it
is not going to be changed soon (it was brought up a few times already,


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