On 25/07/14 16:06, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
On 07/25/2014 03:36 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
it's accurate to say that [biquad~] is a real-valued 2-pole/2-zero filter.

but why, if the poles and zeros can have complex values?

can they?

Yes, but they occur in conjugate pairs, as the transfer function has real coefficients:

       a s^2 + b s + c     (s - z1) (s - z2)
H(s) = --------------- = k -----------------
       e s^2 + f s + g     (s - p1) (s - p2)

         -b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4 a c)
z1,z2 =  ------------------------
                   2 a

         -f +/- sqrt(f^2 - 4 e g)
p1,p2 =  ------------------------
                   2 e

inside the sqrt is positive -> two real roots
inside the sqrt is negative -> complex conjugate pair

The imaginary parts of the complex conjugate "cancel out" to the quadratic polynomial with all-real coefficients.

afaict, [biquad~] only ever has real-valued coefficients and states.

sure, just different representations of the same thing


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