Le 22/08/2014 18:36, Bektur a écrit :

the leftmost inlet (outlet) is the 1, the right is 3, and the middle is 2.
the best practive is to allign inle (outlet) from left to right.


I’m a bit confused here though, does the order in which I created 
inlets/outlets matter?

Or are they sorted only by left/right location within the subpatch?
they are sort only by location

to experiment this : create a patch with a subpatch, connect subpatch inlet, 
and change geographical position of the inlet object.
you'll see connection in the main patch to change side...


Best regards,

On Aug 22, 2014, at 10:31 PM, Cyrille Henry <c...@chnry.net> wrote:

Le 22/08/2014 18:08, Bektur a écrit :

I have a question about inlet/outlet order. Let’s say I have a subpatch which 
accepts and outputs 3 signal inlets/outlets:

in1~   in2~   in3~
   \         |           /
[   pd subpatch   ]
   /         |           \
out1~  out2~  out~3

How do I know which inlet within the subpatch would work with in1~, in2~ and so 
on? What would be the best practice to ensure correct inlet/outlet order?
the leftmost inlet (outlet) is the 1, the right is 3, and the middle is 2.
the best practive is to allign inle (outlet) from left to right.


Best regards,
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