On Tue, Sep 2, 2014 at 2:41 PM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA256
> On 2014-09-02 10:44, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 31, 2014 at 8:56 PM, Roman Haefeli <reduz...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> >> On Sam, 2014-08-30 at 19:02 +0300, Alexandros Drymonitis wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> On Sat, Aug 30, 2014 at 5:31 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig
> >>> <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote: On 08/30/2014 10:57 AM, Alexandros
> >>> Drymonitis wrote:
> >>>> /dev/mmcblk0p2  3.3G  3.1G  2.0M 100% /
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> well, this means that you filesystem *is* full. I managed to
> >>> install Pd with apt-get. Any idea why there's no space to
> >>> compile from source but can install from the repos?
> well, the puredata package will be considerably smaller than the
> build-process (which also contains a large number of intermediate
> binary files; and the resulting binary is not (yet) stripped of
> uneeded symbols.
> e.g. if i install Pd on my debian system using the "puredata" package
> it will take about 5.7MB, whereas if i build it myself the pd
> directory contains about 34MB of data (after the build; not counting
> the 20MB in the .git directory which i expect not to be there when
> using the tarball)
> >>
> >> A possible scenario would be that there was enough space to
> >> install Pd from the repository, but later there was not enough
> >> space left for compiling Pd. Either way, it's moot to further
> >> investigate the reason, since the reason is clear: Your
> >> filesystem is full, as IOhannes clearly stated before. The only
> >> way to deal with that is to free some space deleting files or
> >> moving them to another partition or storage device.
> >>
> > I've only installed libtool, automake and jack before I tried to
> > compile Pd. Everything else that's in the filesystem came with the
> > image installed in the eMMC module. Any suggestions as to what I
> > should delete?
> anything you don't need...
> (it's hard to answer this without being too snarky).
> since you only installed so few things, it seems that you are using a
> pre-made system image.
Yes, the eMMC had Ubuntu 14.04 LTS installed.

> probably the image comes with a number of fancy software installed,
> including a full fledged desktop environment (like gnome), an office
> suite (like libreoffice) and what not.
> check what you have, think what you will never use and throw it away.
Is all this stuff going to be in /usr/bin ? Where should I look? I'm a
complete "amateur" in Linux.

> in the meantime, you might want to start thinking about why you have
> an 8GB disk and you only see 3.5GB (on two partitions).
> - - maybe you are not using the emmc module at all
How can that be? It's the only hard drive Odroid has on it.

> - - maybe there is a large unused/unpartioned space on the emmc module.
> - - maybe you bought an 8GB module but only got a 4GB one.
There's a hand written 8 on the module, I hope I got what I ordered...

> in any case, check
> $ cat /proc/partitions
It gives me this:
major minor  #blocks  name

 179        0    7634944 mmcblk0
 179        1     131584 mmcblk0p1
 179        2    3570688 mmcblk0p2
 179       24        512 mmcblk0rpmb
 179       16       4096 mmcblk0boot1
 179        8       4096 mmcblk0boot0

> > I started a new thread about a new error message I get when I tried
> > to run Pd, which is:
> i'll come to that in the other thread then.

> fgmasdr
> IOhannes
> Version: GnuPG v1
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> bQSwTCv1QQ0u1u9U9Uaw4jbFSlCBxccox1j5WTKvHEIDt/ek1QpSQ0xnA4L3aLVK
> FHjxpmAvGabYJqQ0BWcdc/Ymcx5OXDpcHfiVoNWVFhiCwF9Ru7ZW/U4n8jM5Z5lG
> 1Y/YX7a80//LTMKbQ8HcUYPm4sf0D0iKfvYsQv+U4YVO7GhYGAvdwl0F9NeR3qrc
> jLAkaLStLYPCaK3f06JlFqFrxTEVHlLXId9C3D4zg9jUh587afwDI3vp6WrfyofW
> mHNqDmaHv3gUf6me0EMetbZSbQksc7oFdRKRSJvD/2+H8Zea/IB9c7dnxMOZD+4U
> I3DC4ZXZhkI49iQhZZQJo5qatQNYnad39LWbt11xnf272uSj4Dywq6r6xu55xtTJ
> mdRL9jSvxMOcR5jY6+iuRwrNpqlJ5+q5r2vR/brhQRKUx7rkQiM+5lKiAvGgXMh4
> 8drBoHlYzzotLFD7yVGZpimOAqS4+0Z2bGoK3dU7qlFw3j6kzT4kXzFwFDrWXL2f
> mPTDcwgUMekyN3fWtDnh
> =19Wa
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