(now replying from a proper computer)

On 03/06/2015 08:47 PM, Csaba Láng wrote:
> Libtool arranged, but more dependences came out after build-dep gem-qq
> The following packages have unmet dependencies:
>  account-plugin-facebook : Depends: libaccount-plugin-generic-oauth but it
> is not going to be installed or
>                                     ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts
> but it is not going to be installed
>  libgbm1 : Depends: libgl1-mesa-dri
>  liboxideqt-qmlplugin : Depends: liboxideqtcore0 (= 1.4.3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1)
> but it is not going to be installed
>                         Depends: liboxideqtquick0 (=
> 1.4.3-0ubuntu0.14.04.1) but it is not going to be installed
>  libqt5feedback5 : Depends: libqt5multimedia5 (>= 5.0.2) but it is not
> going to be installed
>  libqt5quick5 : Depends: libqt5gui5 (>= 5.2.0) but it is not going to be
> installed
>  libubuntu-application-api-mirserver1 : Depends: libmirserver18 (>=
> 0.1.8+14.04.20140408.1) but it is not going to be installed
>  unity-control-center : Depends: libcheese-gtk23 (>= 3.4.0) but it is not
> going to be installed
>                         Depends: libcheese7 (>= 3.0.1) but it is not going
> to be installed
> E: Build-dependencies for gem could not be satisfied.

btw, *none* of these errors have anything to do with Gem (directly)  -
despite the error at the end; the error merely tells us that the system
has not been able to reach the point where the build-deps for Gem would
have been installed.

you may be able to fix the problem¹ by simply running
# apt-get upgrade
(or probably `apt-get -f upgrade` to fix any broken dependencies)

attention: this will upgrade some (or multiple, or all, ...) software on
your system.²

after that has succeeded, proceed with installing the build-deps, the
additional libraries, and only then (if all succeeded) you can start to
`./configure && make` Gem


¹ i think the problem is that your installed package versions do not
match the versions in the package-list you have just updated (with
`apt-get update`)

² it might even update your system to a newer ubuntu release. most
likely nothing bad will happen, but "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED".
just make sure the upgrade does what you want it to do (and not remove
any packages you want to keep (at a given revision))

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