On 03/13/2015 09:03 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
> On 03/13/2015 08:43 PM, Martin Peach wrote:
>> Yes with [vline~] it goes finer, but try using numbers around 756 in the
>> upper number box in this patch, I get long intervals, it's as though the
>> control rate is aliasing.
> cannot reproduce. (though it's a bit unclear what yo umean by "in the
> upper number box" - presumably the rate of the metro that switches the
> noise on and off)
> most likely you are seeing an artifact about updating the display graph.
> have you tried listening to the result and verified that it sounds
> "strange" (i guess thousands and thousands of people have run patches
> that turn on/off a sound at a rate of 756ms without having any problems)

ouch, i missed the [* 1e-05].

so your rate is really low, lower than sr.

when i change the tabsize to something small (like 44), and the input
signal to something more predicatable ([sig~ 0.5]) the pattern looks
very nice, with samples alternating between 0 and non-0 (0.5 in my
case); every know and then a sample is repeated (e.g. two times 0.5,
then continuing with 0, 0.5,...) but this is expected if your
toggle-rate is not a multiple of your sr.


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