On 24/11/2015 02:30, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
hi, I know about the oversampling + filtering technique, which you can patch it, but what are other techniques for creating band limited signals you people know (not only those you could do it as a pd patch)? Yes, I'm thinking about oscillators mostly.


There are some bandlimited signal generation techniques.
The most famous are
- BLIT (BandLimited Impulse Train - https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~stilti/papers/blit.pdf). The idea is that you generate a bandlimited impulse train at a give frequency and then you create the classic waveforms by means of integration - BLEP (BandLimited stEP - http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~eli/papers/icmc01-hardsync.pdf). The concept is the same but it use bandlimited step function. It also provide a means for hard synch between generators/oscillators (actually I think it was conceived fot that reason).




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