
You don't provide any detail about your project/use case so it's very hard to try and give suggestions on such a theoretical base.

Your initial similarity with DAWs is somewhat misleading as you mention a global setting (that is correct most DAWs/sequencers have a general BPM setting). But then you state (if I understand correctly) that you don't want to use a global tempo/timing source in your project ("keeping time locally").

Independent time objects in environments like Pd are intrinsically... independent (I would say that's a neat feature!): you can of course find ways to have these objects 'communicate' with each other.

Something which might (or might not) be relevant is that you can also use audio-rate objects (i.e. phasor~) to do timing. For example a phasor~ with a frequency of 1 Hz has a period of 1 second, etc. (samphold~ might also be relevant??).

But as said if would really be helpful to know what you're trying to achieve ;)


On 11/02/2016 06:14, Liam Goodacre wrote:
Any DAW or sequencer has a global setting which allows you to change the
tempo smoothly across all elements. But fool around on PD for a while
and you will realize that this is not a simple operation. If you have
more than one time object going at once, it is very hard to keep them in
time with each other while changing the period.

Consider the example of two metros set to 500 and 1000 ms, banging in
synch with one another. The "cold" inlet of both are connected to a
float, with the second one being multiplied by 2 along the way. I'm sure
you don't even need to try this to know that the two metros will quickly
faze out quite if you scroll through the value. The metro duration
updates only  after the  cycle is complete, so one updates before the
other and it quickly gets chaotic, especially if you drag the value for
more than one complete metro cycle. Of course you could keep them in
time by using a trigger to reset the metros, but this is not good from a
musical perspective, because I don't want to go restart the bar every
time I change the tempo. Another possibility is to store the new time
value and load it only when both cycles coincide. This should keep both
metros in time, although the transition wouldn't be very smooth.

[line] works differently, in that the time is specified in the "hot"
inlet. But this also doesn't update smoothly if you interrupt it with a
new message before the cycle has finished, because the new value
sent to it will take the last point as a starting point. The total
duration of its cycle will be {elapsed time} + {new time}, which isn't
very good if you want to change tempo smoothly. I worked on trying to
solve this for a while, and came up with a prototype solution which I am
attaching. It works by taking the new time and subtracting it from
elapsed time for the new value, so that the line finishes its cycle as
if the new time value had been given at the beginning. The patch works
reasonably well for one iteration, but completely fails for more than
one (ie. if you scroll through the time values). I still haven't figured
out why.

Before I open up for suggestions, here are a few other points:

1. The simplest solution to this would be to have one and only one time
object, set to say 1/16th beat or whatever is the smallest time interval
you want, acting globally on all other sequenced events. This would work
simply and elegantly, but unfortunately it is not an option for my
project. Keeping time locally is essential to me, and I would sooner
give up tempo change altogether than give this up.

2. Another option would be to use the [timer] object, either as an
alternative to the others, or to help calculate feedback for them. I'm
hesitant to do this because a: it seems like it would require more CPU
and b: it it seems like an empirical solution to a deterministic
problem. My intuition says that this
problem can be solved mathematically, without resorting to measurement.
However, I am willing to be convinced that this is the right way to go.

3. I assume that [line] and [line~] will work identically in this
regard, and that [delay] and
[metro] will work similarly. But [line] and [delay] work in very
different ways, and so the solution, if it exists, is likely to be quite
different for these objects. Ultimately I want to find a solution for
all time objects, so I'm willing to hear anything you've got!

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