> On Feb 22, 2016, at 2:09 PM, pd-list-requ...@lists.iem.at wrote:
> From: Eugene Lazarchik <evgenius.lazarc...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:evgenius.lazarc...@gmail.com>>
> I consider sends and receives evil. They're similar to global variables or 
> goto statements in general purpose programming languages.

However they are extremely useful when used well, especially in conjunction 
with $0. I don’t quite get the goto comparison here. Goto is a low level 
execution construct while send/receives is a higher level abstraction. I tech 
them as “named, invisible patch cords”.

> When you see a receive object, it's not obvious where all corresponding sends 
> may be. As opposed to simply following where the cords go.

The find menu is your friend here but of course one shouldn’t use send/receives 
for *everything*. I prefer to use patch chords as much as possible but their 
are times, especially when using GOP where send/receives make things not only 
more readable but *easier* to understand IMO. This, of course, is a style 

Also, libpd and both PdParty & PdDroidParty *rely* on send/receives for both 
inter app communication as well as  their UI implementations.

> Also, consider a subpatch (or abstraction), with certain cords connected to 
> it. In a way the inlets and outlets describe how this object can be used: it 
> can receive certain messages through inlets and then send output to the 
> outlets. But if there's sends and receives inside, it becomes much harder to 
> track what the object may do.

That’s a patching design issue and not a problem in the language/environment. 
If sends & receives are not used willy nilly, including ridiculous fanouts, 
there’s generally not too much of a problem, especially if a patch is 

> In regards to the screenshot: it could be simplified by putting stuff into 
> subpatches. However, even when there's only a couple of objects on a 
> subpatch, the cords can still cross the objects if there's no way to segment 
> them. Typical reasons include long objects ([pd 
> $0-descriptive-name-of-the-subpatch], or [t a a a a a a a a] or [route this 
> and that], etc.). Also it's hard to avoid a mess without segmenting if 
> there's a lot of feedback connections (when A's output is connected to B but 
> also B's output is connected to A).

This is usually fixed by arranging things in a good order underneath the [t a a 
a a a a a a] and subpatching and/or fanning things out. Not impossible to make 
things easy to understand without overlapping lines.

I’ve picked up quite a few tricks by looking at patches made by a number of 
people on this list. Maybe what we need is a wiki pages with examples of good 
patching practice?

Also, simple segmenting can be accomplished via using [t a] objects when 

> Also, moving functionality in a subpatch usually should only be done when 
> there's something common between the objects inside and they implement a 
> relatively siloed functionality. Otherwise it may be hard to understand what 
> the subpatch is doing and the reader will have to constantly switch between 
> the parent and the subpatch to understand how they work together.

Again, this is a patching design issue. I agree that subpatches should only 
encapsulate common actions but not implementing things this way is a fault of 
the person who made the patch.

I have been using the method of adding descriptions to my subpatch as well as 
inlet/outlet objects as they aren’t used by help in documenting what’s going on:

[pd bass synth]

[inlet midi note vel pair]

[outlet~ pitched down audio]


Dan Wilcox
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