> why do you build Pd in /usr/local/lib in the first place?
> the straightforward way would be:
> - extract Pd sources somewhere in your home-directory (e.g.
> /home/peter/src/pd-0.46-6)
> - cd into that directory and build Pd

Yes, that is what I did, more or less. Complete details are here:
But in brief:
./configure --disable-portaudio --disable-portmidi --no-recursion
cd src
make clean
make -f makefile.gnu
sudo make -f makefile.gnu install

So I didn’t specifically build such that the pd extras are installed in in 
/usr/local/lib, that was a result of the make process.
"which pd” returns “/usr/local/bin/pd”, in case you are curious. I’m not 
running it from the build directory.

HOWEVER, I now realize the folly of my ways. In order to get the extra objects 
built I need to run “make install” from ~/pd-0.46-7/extra/ directory, not from 
the “extra” directory in /usr/local/bin. 

Anyway, my puredata is now happily working with expr, sigmund~, choice, et al. 
Thanks for the help!


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