Hello Derek,

The symlinks aren't created at compile time but during the install
process. It is done by target 'install-aliases'. Do 'make install
objectsdir=./build' to get a local install. If you still get no
symlinks let me know.

I think they are only needed on Linux because of how file access happens.


On Sat, Apr 9, 2016 at 12:01 PM, Derek Kwan <derek.x.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Fri, Apr 8, 2016 at 10:52 PM, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:
>> > On 04/08/2016 10:29 PM, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
>> >> Then, cyclone does not come as a library for a long time, and "Scope~" is
>> >> not part of a "-lib"
>> >
>> > but it is!
>> > it is part of a library named "Scope~.pd_linux" which contains a single
>> > object "Scope~".
>> He's building 'scope~.pd_linux'. With a symlink 'Scope~.pd_linux' and
>> the alias in the C code, wouldn't that be all right?
>> >
>> > mdsf
>> > IOhannes
>> >
> Hello,
> I'll chime in here because I've been working on this cyclone update as
> well (Alexandre, hop in here if I'm wrong about any of this). To my
> knowledge, there isn't any symlinking going on in the build process. I'm
> using Ubuntu on my machine and I just built it myself and all I get out
> for scope is scope~.pd_linux. All references to Scope has been changed
> to scope in Makefile and the source (sickle/Scope.c) got changed to
> sickle/scope.c. There's no symlink to scope~.pd_linux at all. Do we want
> to change the Makefile to build a symlink to the built scope~ (and also,
> what are the reasons for doing so)? Also. is there a symlink equivalent
> for Windows machines? I'll be honest, I'm not really familiar with
> Makefile building beyond the very basic stuff (I didn't even know you
> could make symlinks in Makefiles for instance)...
> Derek
> =====================
> Derek Kwan
> www.derekxkwan.com

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