Actually, I checked and Safari shows CMD+ as the zoom in binding in the menu, so here’s the same patch with the previous + accelerator string but with the actual equals binding.
Description: Binary data
Also, I noticed Safari will zoom whether you do CMD= or CMD+, so I guess they are covering both uses of the key…
Never mind, I was wrong. It *is* working, but I’d suggest binding to minus and equals instead of minus and plus so Shift is not required. This is how most web browsers provide zoom controls, with the addition of Mod+0 as a reset to default zoom level.
Also, I noticed the accelerator strings in pd_menus.tcl were not showing the key bindings in the menu. The chars don’t need to be quoted to work so the following works on OSX (at least): -accelerator "$accelerator+=“.
In any case, here’s a small patch that fixes the accelerators and changes the + to =.
I’ll give it a try. I’m also testing with my builds in the autotools_update branch so my problem could be more of a Tk 8.5 issue on Mac. There are a number of things to fix that break a little between 8.4 & 8.5 on mac as far as my testing goes.
On Apr 30, 2016, at 1:56 PM, Miller Puckette <> wrote:
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