Well, another way migth be to have Pd only query the first time in a Pd
session and then proceed automatically.  I'll try that out - but since
I'll probably introduce a bug or two I'd just as soon wait till after the
0.27-0 release.

Me, when I shout a thte computer, it's more likely to be "where the *&$^%&
did you put the file I just downloaded?" or "why the $%*& did you just do
that" as opposed to "why did you just ask me to confirm this operation that
will put files on my disk".  But I know my own tastes aren't shared by all


On Thu, May 05, 2016 at 08:32:46PM +0200, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
> On 05/04/2016 11:53 PM, Miller Puckette wrote:
> > I believe it should be just the one.  But I'm a scope conservative
> > (despite the contradictory evidence that Pd has, in fact, no scoping
> > mechanism :)
> hmm, so:
> for your people at UCSD you would like to have externals installed into
> ~/pd/extra and ~/pd-0.46-4/extra and ~/pd-0.22/extra depending on which
> version of Pd you are running.
> for yourself, you would like to have externals NOT be installed into
> ~/pd/extra.
> since these two behaviours are contradictory and cannot be resolved
> automatically, the only option is to ask the user every single time they
> are going to install a library via deken, at the potential cost ofthem
> shouting "but i told you this directory already three times this
> morning" at their computers.
> fdmsar
> IOhannes

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