3rd International Conference on Live Interfaces
School of Media, Film and Music - University of Sussex, Brighton.

Dates: June 28th - July 2nd, 2016.
Website: www.liveinterfaces.org

Registration is now open for the International Conference on Live Interfaces in 
Brighton this summer. This biennial conference brings together people working 
with live interfaces in the performing arts, including music, the visual arts, 
dance, puppetry, robotics or games. The conference scope is highly 
interdisciplinary but with a focus on interface technologies of expression in 
the area of performance. Topics of liveness, immediacy, presence (and 
tele-presence), mediation, collaboration and timing or flow are engaged with 
and questioned in order to gain a deeper understanding of the role contemporary 
media technologies play in human expression.

The conference consists of paper presentations, performances, interactive 
installations, poster demonstrations, a doctoral colloquium and workshops. 
Works engaging with the principles and assumptions governing interaction 
design, including perspectives from art, philosophy, product design and 
engineering are specially invited.

- Stuart Nolan (magician)
- Kristina Andersen (instrument maker)
- Roman Paska (puppeteer)

- Magnetic Resonator Piano (Andrew McPherson)
- The halldorophone (Halldor Ulfarsson)
- Sound and Space: Performing Music for Organ and Electronics (Lauren Redhead 
and Alistair Zaldua)
- A Practical and Theoretical Introduction to Chaotic Musical Systems (Tristan 
Clutterbuck, Tom Mudd and Dario Sanfilippo)
- Making High-Performance Embedded Instruments with Bela and Pure Data (Giulio 
Moro, Astrid Bin, Robert Jack, Christian Heinrichs and Andrew McPherson)
- Distributed Agency in Performance (Paul Stapleton, Simon Waters, Owen Green 
and Nicholas Ward)
- Interfacing the Txalaparta Workshop (Enrike Hurtado)

The conference, including performances and installations, will take place at 
the newly renovated Attenborough Centre for the Creative Arts. We will publish 
final performance, installations and paper programme when closer in time.

There is a doctoral colloquium on Wednesday 29th of June and a Brighton Modular 
Meet on Sunday, 3rd of July.

We look forward to welcome you to the University of Sussex for the ICLI 
conference this summer.


Thor Magnusson
Department of Music
School of Media, Film and Music
University of Sussex
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