I'm sure there is a way.  A quick check shows me that there is are a
couple of options for unzipping with Tcl:


That should just be included in either the deken plugin, or the pd
windows build.


Matt Barber:
> Users on the Facebook group have complained that on Windows they have to
> take the extra step of unzipping. Is there a way to include a simple
> windows binary with Pd that would decompress automatically?
> On Wed, Jun 8, 2016 at 8:00 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:
>> On 2016-06-08 12:09, Hans-Christoph Steiner wrote:
>>> I'd
>>> like to find a little time to contribute to it, to smooth out the user
>> cool.
>> welcome back.
>>> * hide all incompatible library version by default (e.g. hide OSX and
>>> Windows versions on GNU/Linux)
>> this is what we are currently doing.
>> all incompatible versions are sorted after the compatible ones, and
>> (more importantly) they are greyed out.
>> they are still selectable though.
>>> * by default, install into user's pd externals folder without any prompt
>>> (~/pd-externals, etc)
>> hmm, well: there has been a lot of discussion on this list about which
>> approach should be taken.
>> a short (probably biased) recap (but you'll find more detailed reasoning
>> in the archives):
>> - originally, deken would try to download/install into the externals
>> folder (as your suggestion). it would even try to create this folder, in
>> case it was not there yet.
>> this was rejected, as many people very much dislike applications
>> creating folders in their home directory (~/pd-externals).
>> - a second iteration did the same, but without trying to create any
>> directories. if no writable folder was found, deken would prompt the
>> user for a target directory)
>> this was rejected because people have very different opinions about the
>> scope of downloaded externals (per-user, per-project, per-pd).
>> - a third iteration added a big button to manually set the directory
>> before downloading stuff (and otherwise would try the standard search
>> paths first).
>> this was rejected because it was not obvious. (which only shows that i'm
>> a bad UI designer)
>> - the fourth iteration went for simplicity and prompted the user where
>> to install.
>> currently, Pd-vanilla uses the 4th iteration, wheras deken upstream
>> still uses the 3rd iteration.
>>> * add "Advanced Mode" or "Expert Mode" that shows the current user
>>> experience
>>> * remember which mode the user has selected across pd starts (e.g. make
>>> a pref)
>> yes, many more things should be user-settable, not just two basic modes.
>> e.g.
>> directory-selection:
>>  - [ ] ask every time
>>  - [x] ask once per Pd process
>>  - [ ] choose automatically from existing search-paths
>>  - [ ] choose automatically, possibly creating default locations
>> as for search results, i was thinking about switching to a tree-view,
>> where only the most recent version of a found library would be shown by
>> default; but opening the (sub)tree, you would see all the older versions.
>> the wrong-arch results could be grouped together into an "incompatible"
>> subtree that is closed by default.
>> in any case: deken development is somewhat independent of puredata
>> itself and is occasionally merged into Pd proper.
>> it has it's own bug/feature tracker at [1] and we are happily accepting
>> merge requests and contributors.
>> fgmasdr
>> IOhannes
>> [1] https://github.com/pure-data/deken
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