It's working for me.  I've taken teh liberty of adding an "OK/cancel"
confirnation that prints where the thing will get installed.  (This is
default behavior of apt-get, etc. so it's not too nutty of me to think
this is a reasonable step.  It's much less invasive than throwing the
file chooser up as I was doing before but still makes sure the user
can see where the thing's getting thrown to.  (I think this is important
since it apparently varies depending on several factors that can change
between runs.)

Anyway the new unzipping thing works like a charm, thanks!


On Thu, Jun 09, 2016 at 02:17:01PM +0200, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
> On 2016-06-09 10:33, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > Just to chime in about unzipping-in-Windows aspect, from what I can
> > tell that would smoothen the Deken experience for Windows users _a
> > lot_.
> well, test it
> amd if it works, chances are high that the it will soon be available for
> public consumation.
> fgamsdr
> IOhannes

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