It's look much more better for me...

Thanks. :)

Em sáb, 6 de ago de 2016 06:21, Derek Kwan <>

> > That all sounds great!
> >
> > 1 minor edit - in the front page description of pd-extended, OSC is
> mentioned as one of the differentiating features from Vanilla - but it's
> been a feature built into Vanilla for awhile now.
> >
> > Also, I think the processing page is a great ui model.
> >
> > -Jesse
> Noted. Well, I took a bit more drastic changes this time to
> . Apologies for changing the text format from
> reStructured text to HTML. reStructured text seemed kinda like markdown
> but except the # sign for headers wasn't working and I'm familiar with
> HTML so I just went with it (I also couldn't find any formatting guide
> for reStructured text).
> It's still pretty ugly but I think it's a bit more clear (I think it'd
> be less ugly without text decorations for everything, I don't have
> access to the CSS wherever that'd be and I didn't want to put
> "text-decoration:none" for every hyperlink and it looks like I can't do
> internal style sheets. There's also little icons next to every link that
> IMHO is kinda distracting. I also might have went a little bold happy).
> I tried to keep most of the blurbs from the old page and did a little
> more cleaning up. I've also added links to pd-tutorial and pdpatchrepo
> as well as the Facebook group and Pd subreddit. I was thinking of
> putting a video (would that even work on a wiki page?) but I couldn't
> decide on one. It seems that since it's a wiki page, what you can do
> with it seems kinda limited but I can experiment more.
> I've also archived the old reStructured text version on my computer. I
> suppose I could attach it somewhere if somebody wants it. Basically, the
> only links I didn't bring over from the old page are the downloads page
> (well, you can access it pretty easily anyways), the Wikipedia links
> for visual programming language and data flow programming (I think
> there's enough links on that page but if people want I can put them back
> in), and the links to distributions (also easily accessible anyways) and
> Pd-extended (it's pretty much dead and buried anyways).
> I've also noticed that the very top of the Downloads page mentions to
> download Pd-extended for a quick start. I don't have write privileges on
> that page so I can't change it but I definitely think it should be
> gone... esp since there aren't any easily-accessible links to download
> Pd-extended anymore.
> Suggestions/feedback welcome!
> Derek
> =====================
> Derek Kwan
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