Well I *did. *But I also stated that I wasn't sure.

I have several different versions of Pd installed,
and I generally point to a bunch of external libraries from -extended.

I searched my machine for things like:


I DID find the help in \pd-extended\externals\vanilla\ (Windows machine)
But NOT under my Vanilla install (0.47-1).

I also went to the top of my 0.47-1 install tree and looked for any file
called mtof~ and *FOUND NOTHING. *

So maybe you can tell me how, when I instantiate *[mtof~]*, where exactly
it is coming from? Is it an internal? Is it an external?


On Wed, Oct 5, 2016 at 3:57 AM, IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:

> On 2016-10-05 09:06, William Huston wrote:
> > This is so handy, I would like to ask that [mtof~] be added to Vanilla
> > (if it's not already there)
> zhmm, so you've written that long email and did not bother to check
> whether it actually is included in vanilla? (it is, at least since 0.33,
> which was released about 2001)
> fgasdr
> IOhannes
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