Thanks Lucas, this is really helpful. By coincidence, I’ve been looking for the 
solution to the font problem too!

From: Lucas Cordiviola
Sent: 12 October 2016 12:03
To: Liam Goodacre;
Subject: Re: PD won't save preferences

Hi Liam,

Yes, this used to happen to me but I have 3 Pds, 0.47.1, pdvst~ and Pd-extended.

Here goes info if you don't want to reinstall if it happens again.

One very good way to have control on this is via a .cmd file, in it you specify 
the same things that you can with “preferences/settings” and you use this .cmd 
to start Pd. Its just text in one line (make sure is one line only, never hit 
enter while you are editing)

For example paste this on a new notepad and save as start-pd.cmd:


"C:\Users\Lucarda\Downloads\pd\bin\pd" -noprefs -font-face Consolas 
-font-weight normal -font-size 12

change “C:\Users\Lucarda\Downloads\pd\bin\pd” to your pd\bin directory.

Run it, you will get new font, IMO nicer. Of course you have to add all your 
-stdlib, and -path and audio config:

Here's a list of all flags for 0.47.1:

C:\Users\Lucarda\Downloads\pd\bin>pd -help
usage: pd [-flags] [file]...

audio configuration flags:
-r <n>           -- specify sample rate
-audioindev ...  -- audio in devices; e.g., "1,3" for first and third
-audiooutdev ... -- audio out devices (same)
-audiodev ...    -- specify input and output together
-audioaddindev   -- add an audio input device by name
-audioaddoutdev  -- add an audio output device by name
-audioadddev     -- add an audio input and output device by name
-inchannels ...  -- audio input channels (by device, like "2" or "16,8")
-outchannels ... -- number of audio out channels (same)
-channels ...    -- specify both input and output channels
-audiobuf <n>    -- specify size of audio buffer in msec
-blocksize <n>   -- specify audio I/O block size in sample frames
-sleepgrain <n>  -- specify number of milliseconds to sleep when idle
-nodac           -- suppress audio output
-noadc           -- suppress audio input
-noaudio         -- suppress audio input and output (-nosound is synonym)
-callback        -- use callbacks if possible
-nocallback      -- use polling-mode (true by default)
-listdev         -- list audio and MIDI devices
-asio            -- use ASIO audio driver (via Portaudio)
-pa              -- synonym for -asio
-mmio            -- use MMIO audio API (default for Windows)
      (default audio API for this platform:  MMIO)

MIDI configuration flags:
-midiindev ...   -- midi in device list; e.g., "1,3" for first and third
-midioutdev ...  -- midi out device list, same format
-mididev ...     -- specify -midioutdev and -midiindev together
-midiaddindev    -- add a MIDI input device by name
-midiaddoutdev   -- add a MIDI output device by name
-midiadddev      -- add a MIDI input and output device by name
-nomidiin        -- suppress MIDI input
-nomidiout       -- suppress MIDI output
-nomidi          -- suppress MIDI input and output

other flags:
-path <path>     -- add to file search path
-nostdpath       -- don't search standard ("extra") directory
-stdpath         -- search standard directory (true by default)
-helppath <path> -- add to help file search path
-open <file>     -- open file(s) on startup
-lib <file>      -- load object library(s)
-font-size <n>     -- specify default font size in points
-font-face <name>  -- specify default font
-font-weight <name>-- specify default font weight (normal or bold)
-verbose         -- extra printout on startup and when searching for files
-noverbose       -- no extra printout
-version         -- don't run Pd; just print out which version it is
-d <n>           -- specify debug level
-loadbang        -- do not suppress all loadbangs (true by default)
-noloadbang      -- suppress all loadbangs
-stderr          -- send printout to standard error instead of GUI
-nostderr        -- send printout to GUI instead of standard error (true by defa
-gui             -- start GUI (true by default)
-nogui           -- suppress starting the GUI
-guiport <n>     -- connect to pre-existing GUI over port <n>
-guicmd "cmd..." -- start alternatve GUI program (e.g., remote via ssh)
-send "msg..."   -- send a message at startup, after patches are loaded
-prefs           -- load preferences on startup (true by default)
-noprefs         -- suppress loading preferences on startup
-sleep           -- sleep when idle, don't spin (true by default)
-nosleep         -- spin, don't sleep (may lower latency on multi-CPUs)
-schedlib <file> -- plug in external scheduler
-extraflags <s>  -- string argument to send schedlib
-batch           -- run off-line as a batch process
-nobatch         -- run interactively (true by default)
-autopatch       -- enable auto-connecting new from selected objects (true by de
-noautopatch     -- defeat auto-patching new from selected objects
-compatibility <f> -- set back-compatibility to version <f>

If you need to know the exact name of your ASIO sound card:

prompt to your pd/bin dir and type:

C:\Users\Lucarda\Downloads\pd\bin>pd -listdev -asio -stderr

If not just use it to get numbers, here I specify asio in out in the same flag:

-asio -blocksize 256 -audiodev "5 5"

note the “ ” when there are spaces.

Hope it helps,

Mensaje telepatico asistido por maquinas.

From: Pd-list <> on behalf of Liam Goodacre 
Sent: Wednesday, October 12, 2016 3:59 AM
Subject: [PD] PD won't save preferences

Yesterday PD decided to clear my path and startup preferences and refused to 
save them when I tried resetting. Reinstalling PD fixed the issue, but it was a 
bit disconcerting nevertheless. I can't think of any system changes I made in 
the past few days that might have affected this. Has anyone encountered this 
problem before? I'm on 0.47.1 and Windows 10.

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