On 22-10-16 06:11, Derek Kwan wrote:
hmm, it's got nothing to do with midi, right?

haha, it looks like there's plenty of midi in there =). if i'm reading
it correctly, it looks like it functions sort of like arrays? you bind a
sequence to some global symbol and access it by passing that symbol.

This approach allows multiple clients ("friends" in xeq-speak) read a single server ("host") sequence.

I'd be interested in more sequencer options for pd so it'd be nice to
have xeq or something like xeq available. i suppose i'm going off-track
a little, but it'd be nice to have something supercolliderish with
TempoClocks and Patterns where it's really easy to loop sequences,

It has tempo options and functions to find sequence patterns, but the proper patches to demonstrate are lacking...

randomize specific bits of a sequence, etc. and have that all bound to a
global transport (or two). A lot of the times I end up making my own hacky
transport with metro and sends and receives for beginnings of bars,
beats, etc and even then it's not the easiest to do say, quintuples
when I've got my global metro going in 16ths...

I suppose xeq could potentially be revived with [text] compat since that
seems to be the successor to [qlist]? it seems like [text] solves a lot
of the issues xeq had with qlist, like global binding allowing multiple
objects to traverse a text file...

Xeq evolved from the original [qlist] format to something more powerful. But how powerful hes to be determined... At least it reads, plays and writes multi-track mid files. That part I happened to get working.



Fred Jan

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