If you just need the common thread callback function and a mutex, you can do 
that with the Windows API. It’s not too difficult.

See the old thread implementation used by OpenFrameworks which uses both 
pthread & win api, depending on the platform:


Then you wouldn’t need to require win-pthreads32 or similar compatibility 
library when building.

> On Jan 29, 2017, at 9:43 PM, pd-list-requ...@lists.iem.at wrote:
> From: Derek Kwan <derek.x.k...@gmail.com <mailto:derek.x.k...@gmail.com>>
> Subject: Re: [PD] [coll] bug
> Date: January 29, 2017 at 8:49:56 PM MST
> To: Alexandre Torres Porres <por...@gmail.com <mailto:por...@gmail.com>>
> Cc: "pd-list@lists.iem.at <mailto:pd-list@lists.iem.at>" 
> <pd-list@lists.iem.at <mailto:pd-list@lists.iem.at>>
> On Jan 29, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
>> yeah, derek was talking about our current development, where we screwed up
>> with the order of bangs in the unthreaded - but fixed now.
>> Derek, would you care to elaborate why you think unthreaded should be the
>> default?
> I had some concerns with pthreads and Windows compat but it looks like
> those aren't issues (? I don't have much experience with Windows dev) so
> I think I would be fine either way.

Dan Wilcox
@danomatika <http://twitter.com/danomatika>
danomatika.com <http://danomatika.com/>
robotcowboy.com <http://robotcowboy.com/>

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