> I think that definitely makes sense and
> perhaps I was coming from the wrong/developer
> direction.

yes, I totally consider myself not a "developer*", in the sense I have zero
training in computer science, language and jargons, so all my conceptions
comes from being a pd user and pd patcher... this is the idea I have and
the one I've been propagating to my Pd students, but I've never questioned
it cause I took them for granted...

* though I've been developing some stuff to pd :)

2017-02-19 22:24 GMT-03:00 Alexandre Torres Porres <por...@gmail.com>:

> Well, like we were discussing in the other thread, I wish to edit the
> puredata.info FAQ section and work on updating "how to install and load
> externals" bit, and also add related stuff on "how to download externals
> from deken"...
> As part of this endeavour, I also felt like working on questions like -
> what is an external? What are the types of externals? what is an external
> library? Things we take for granted but when you sit to write it down, you
> start questioning the concepts...
> So this is what I'm coming down to, after thinking about it...
> *- **Internal objects:** Objects that are part of Pd Vanilla’s binary  *
> * - **External objects:** Objects that are **NOT** part of Pd Vanilla’s
> binary (including pd's extra objects)*
> * - **Vanilla objects:** Objects that come in the Pd Vanilla distribution
> (which contains the internals plus a small collection of externals - the
> “extra” objects).*
> * - **Types of external objects**: 1) Compiled binaries ; 2) Abstractions
> (Pd patches).*
> * - **External Library:** Collection of external objects, be it
> abstractions; a set of **separate binaries**; or a **single binary**
> containing several objects.*
> 2017-02-19 16:39 GMT-03:00 Dan Wilcox <danomat...@gmail.com>:
>> I wasn’t implying my thought process was the “correct” usage of the the
>> terms. :) I think Miller and IOhannes are the ones to weight in.
>> That being said, I think it boils down to, for me, “external(s)” was
>> short for “external library(-ies),” as in software libraries and, even if
>> there is only 1 class or object, it’s still a “library.”
>> From what I understand, your coming from the Pd object side so “external”
>> means “1 object” not part of Pd vanilla and “externals” means “multiple
>> objects” not part of vanilla. I think that definitely makes sense and
>> perhaps I was coming from the wrong/developer direction.
>> So, in short, the idea I've had so far is:
>> external (kinda short for "external object"): a single object not part of
>> the Pd Vanilla distribution, either an abstraction or a compiled object
>> library (kinda short for "externals library"): collection of externals.
>> Yeah, I think that’s probably a good way to look at it (as mentioned
>> above).
>> I do like to note when a library is composed completely of abstractions,
>> hence “abstraction library”, as it's easy to use and doesn’t require
>> compilation.
>> --------
>> Dan Wilcox
>> @danomatika <http://twitter.com/danomatika>
>> danomatika.com
>> robotcowboy.com
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