
I was wondering if there's a proper way of removing/deleting packages
from the puredata.info/Deken server. I uploaded our latest v0.3alpha1
Cyclone release using an older version of Deken from the Xenial repos,
which apparently didn't upload using the directory structure of the
newer Deken tool that creates subdirectories for library names and
versions. I confirmed this by uploading a little test consisting of list
abstractions I've been working on but hadn't really been planning on
"officially releasing" yet using the newer Deken copied from the GitHub
repo. After my little test, I deleted my test package via the
puredata.info web interface but a day later it still appears in the Pd
Deken library search tool, just with a dead link since it's no longer on
the server (it was called pdklist). Since that doesn't seem like a proper
way of removing libraries from Deken since whatever process Deken uses to
know what libraries are on the server hasn't noticed the change, is there a
proper way of doing this? 

Eventually, I do plan on removing the cyclone builds from Deken and
reuploading using the newer Deken tool. I couldn't find a way of moving
alread uploaded files into folders via the pd.info web interface but
perhaps that's a discussion for another time (but would also be a
solution for my eventual goal). Thanks!

Derek Kwan

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