
On 09.08.2017 16:14, Dan Wilcox wrote:
> Here's a dumb project using Pure Data & PdParty on iOS :)
> https://vimeo.com/228726345
> SpeedPitch is a simple augmented sonic reality experiment that alters
> music playback speed based on your actual GPS ground speed. The faster
> you go, the higher the pitch and sudden stops lead to dragging audio
> samples. Natural motion leads to unnatural sound.
> (Maybe I'll reshoot better video later?)

Great project. I am working on something similar, called Life Soundtrack:


Currently it is an Android app with random elements, that uses the step
detector to change BPM. The idea is to create an app that takes every
possible sensor data, time of day etc. and uses not only current data
but also history to evolve over time.

Unfortunately, I have no idea on the algorithm to use, so the current
state is frozen.

Best regards,
"It seems to me, Golan, that the advance of civilization is nothing
but an exercise in the limiting of privacy."
(Janov Pelorat in: Isaac Asimov - Foundation's Edge)

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