On Mit, 2018-01-31 at 00:49 +0100, katja wrote:
> Found this in the archives, maybe it is somewhat similar: in the
> early Raspberry Pi days core switching seemed to be a problem for Pd
> and it could be solved by using 'taskset'.

Thanks for the -nosleep and the core affinity suggestion. I tried both
and they don't seem to make a difference. 

I'm a bit unsure about the -nosleep option. What is it supposed to do?
I thought it would make Pd burn as many CPU cycles as it can get. And
your mail from 2015 suggests a similar behavior. I run it like this:

pd -noprefs -nosleep -rt -jack -channels 2

and it still only runs at 3% of a core with the [adc~]-[dac~] patch.
This is with Pd-0.48-1 (git 3417d9036).


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