
long time, that i posted sth....

i did a patch, that implements the basic PJLink commands to control shutter, power, input ...
i only used vanilla objects
the pjlink commands from the pjlink-documentation [1] are converted into ascii messages and send to the desired ip-adress on port 4352.
md5 was not necessary.
maybe the following patch helps


#N canvas 613 67 749 666 10;
#X obj 12 205 netsend -b;
#X msg 69 145 connect 4352;
#X obj 12 72 t a b b;
#X obj 12 94 list prepend send;
#X obj 12 116 list trim;
#X obj 12 43 r pjlink_cmd;
#X text 12 20 Network connection to projector;
#X msg 448 68 37 49 80 79 87 82 32 49 13;
#X text 354 67 %1POWR 1;
#X msg 448 98 37 49 80 79 87 82 32 48 13;
#X text 354 95 %1POWR 0;
#X msg 448 128 37 49 65 86 77 84 32 51 49 13;
#X text 347 126 %1AVMT 31;
#X text 347 156 %1AVMT 30;
#X msg 448 158 37 49 65 86 77 84 32 51 48 13;
#X text 284 38 PJLINK Commands;
#X text 271 80 Power on/off;
#X obj 423 185 s pjlink_cmd;
#X text 271 140 Shutter on/off;
#X text 445 37 Commands in Ascii;
#X msg 278 248 37 49 73 78 80 84 32 49 50 13;
#X msg 278 298 37 49 73 78 80 84 32 50 50 13;
#X msg 278 348 37 49 73 78 80 84 32 51 50 13;
#X msg 278 398 37 49 73 78 80 84 32 52 50 13;
#X text 499 248 %1INPT 12: RGB: 12-19;
#X text 499 298 %1INPT 22:Video:22-29, f 24;
#X text 499 348 %1INPT 32:Digital:32-39, f 24;
#X text 499 398 %1INPT 42:Storage:42-49, f 24;
#X msg 278 448 37 49 73 78 80 84 32 53 50 13;
#X text 499 448 %1INPT 52:Storage:52-59, f 24;
#X text 282 218 other commands;
#X connect 1 0 0 0;
#X connect 2 0 3 0;
#X connect 3 0 4 0;
#X connect 4 0 0 0;
#X connect 5 0 2 0;
#X connect 7 0 17 0;
#X connect 9 0 17 0;
#X connect 11 0 17 0;
#X connect 14 0 17 0;


On 2018-02-08 13:10, IOhannes m zmoelnig wrote:
On 2018-02-08 04:22, Marco Hugo Schretter wrote:
i'll try to do some documentation soon so maybe we can
solve the md5 thing. there are some opensource projects
which provide all the basic c/c++ code for an md5 external as
i found out. time will come.

if you (or anybody else) starts such a library, i'd suggest to make it a
general hashing library, that implements multiple algorithms, not only
"md5". (i think practically no new software uses MD5; it's supported
(everywhere) for legacy purposes).


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