On 04/12/2018 11:18 AM, David Medine wrote:
> @Miller, no I hadn't. Thanks! I knew there was something like that I had
> neglected. Now I am able to debug with gdb.
> @iohannes, I am still having trouble with this technique. If I run Pd
> from the gdb prompt (with -nrt and -stderr) and a break point within the
> extern (meaning object not compiled into pd) nothing happens when I run
> the function where I want to break. 

but the breakpoint gets resolved correctly?
e.g. after a warm-up run, setting the breakpoint yields an address:

$ gdb --args pd  -nrt -stderr -lib zexy ./reference/tabdump-help.pd
(gdb) run
(gdb) break tabdump_bang
Breakpoint 1 at 0x7ffff5cb6730: file tabdump.c, line 33.
(gdb) run
[ ...send "bang" to tabdump... ]
Thread 1 "pd" hit Breakpoint 1, tabdump_bang (x=0x555555971ef0) at
33      {
(gdb) print(x)
$1 = (t_tabdump *) 0x555555971ef0


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