
Ten years ago I learnt the beginnings of Pure Data - and now I have thrown myself into the deep end --> I'm trying to do a fairly simple Pure Data project on Bela (https://bela.io/) - and failing gloriously.

I have a Pure Data Patch that works on my computer, with keys from the keyboard. Here: https://cloud.constantvzw.org/s/EcsZzoNte8k54xQ/download?path=%2F&files=microphone_record_save_play_key_one_file.pd <https://cloud.constantvzw.org/s/EcsZzoNte8k54xQ>

Current simple wish on Bela:
- pushbutton0 on digitalIn3 records sound from the microphone plugged into the line in
- pushbutton2 on digitalIn4 stops recording
- pushbutton3 on digitalIn5 plays sound

When I connect physical buttons and translate to Bela, my buttons bounce.
The Bela developer active on the forum proposed a debounce patch
- which I'm trying to push into my patch, but without succes.

On the Bela forum I explain what I have been doing

---> I'm pretty sure the problem lies with my beginner pd-qualities, that's why I have turned to this mailinglist

---> here's my last patch, with abstraction and with bouncy buttons

Would someone/the list be willing to follow this through - that would be a great help!


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