I keep thinking about that too.  One idea would be to specify a range of
lines to search in, so that one could use the results of the previous search
to start teh next one.

Another would be to output a list of ALL search-matches.


On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 09:10:57AM +0000, Liam Goodacre wrote:
> People often ask about how to get multiple matches with [text search] (see 
> here<https://forum.pdpatchrepo.info/topic/11504/multiple-search-results-in-text>).
>  There are a few ways of doing it but none of them are very optimal, and it 
> seems like something that would be much easier and more efficient if it were 
> implemented with code.
> Would there be any traction for a new feature, say [text search -r], to allow 
> for recursive searching?

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