Just to update this thread: I'm now using the pd-lib-builder Makefile and
have cleaned up the timbreID repo.

Federico - I still can't get your patch to crash...can you write me off
list and explain exactly how to duplicate it?

On Tue, Aug 21, 2018 at 4:24 AM IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:

> On 2018-08-21 01:35, Fede Camara Halac wrote:
> > Hi Will,
> >
> > Thanks so much, yes! I'm puzzled. I've even compiled single-precision
> fftw and timbreID and still have the crash. It might be my old mac or
> something I must have in my environment then that I can't really pin down...
> >
> not necessarily.
> memory errors are notorious for *not always* breaking the system:
> depending on memory alignment and (prior) usage, the content of an
> accessed memory block might contain expected data (mostly all NULLs) or
> some garbage, leading to crashes.
> you would need to compile timpleID with debugging symbols and without
> stripping, to see where the problems start.
> for whatever reasons, timbreID does not use the pd-lib-builder Makefile
> which would make this very simple, but some self-made one.
> mgasrd
> IOhannes
> PS: i was tempted to fix this and open a PR on github, but the
> repository contains hundred of megabytes of unneccesary data (compiled
> objects of old versions of the library for multiple OS; zipfiles of data
> which is also present in the archive,...) which made me bang my head on
> the table repeatedly so i gave up doing anything.
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