But what do you mean with "fan-outs"?

and how can I get rid of them?

The toogle is at the end of the line, no data continues through?

Could you send me an example?

Thanks for your support and for your suggestions !!



Am 07.11.18 um 22:45 schrieb IOhannes m zmölnig:
On 11/7/18 10:09 PM, Clemens wrote:
Hi list,

I found a way to switch on and off the toogle when you push rec or play

(see attached patch)
you still have fan-outs.
you should really get rid of them. *always*.

apart from that, once you click on "play", the two buttons will do the
same. is this what you want?

but if you press rec or play two times ( maybe by accident) the same is

but I want to have a control unit, that the rec toogle is switch on only
when the looper is in rec mode

the same for the play mode

well, you should start thinking about what you actually mean by "record
mode" and "play mode".
e.g. when is the looper in "record mode", when is it not.
how are they mutually exclusive?
i which mode is the system if you press "record" and wait for 100seconds?
in which mode is the system, if you press "record" and 50ms afterwards
press "play"? what is the state after another 5000ms? after another
in which mode is the system, if you press "play" and 50ms afterwards
press "record"? what is the state after another 5000ms? after another
in which mode is the system, if you press "play" and 5000ms afterwards
you press "play" again?

but anyhow: if you send bang-messages to a toggle it will toggle. if you
don't want to toggle it, you have to set it to a fixed value (e.g. by
sending it that value)

i hope this helps.

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