
When I use GOPs I occasionally get red errors like:

no such object
(Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: invalid command name ".x10c074e20.c"
    while executing
"$tkcanvas itemconfig $tag -text [string range $text 0 end-1]"
    (procedure "pdtk_text_set" line 2)
    invoked from within
"pdtk_text_set .x10c074e20.c .x10c074e20.t10c34e5c0 {chord: 0.3208 0.3036 
0.3725 0.3267 0.3642 0.3346 0.3815
0.3496 0.392 0.3679 0.376 0.3281 0.3206 0...."
    ("uplevel" body line 1)
    invoked from within
"uplevel #0 $docmds"(Tcl) INVALID COMMAND NAME: invalid command name 
    while executing
"$tkcanvas itemconfig $tag -text [string range $text 0 end-1]"
    (procedure "pdtk_text_set" line 2)


Seems from a quick search other people have experienced something similar, 
though it’s still not clear to me what the error means -  am I doing something 
wrong or is it a bug?

In the past it’s generally benign and pd keeps working but the last few times 
it’s happened (using 0.49-1) when I get these errors the gui freezes (but the 
sound keeps working), which is making me a little nervous to use GOPs for 

Not sure if it’s related but also on 0.49.1 I’ve noticed occasionally when i go 
to close a patch's main window I get a stream of errors:

.x10c430f60: no such object
.x10c430f60: no such object
.x10c430f60: no such object
.x10c430f60: no such object
.x10c430f60: no such object


the visible GOPs disappear but the white canvas remains and PD freezes and I 
have to force quit. I can’t seem to recreate the error on cue, but it has 
happened quite a few times.

I’m using pd 0.49.1 on macOS sierra 10.12.6

thanks for any tips in advance

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