we would like to do the following: on device joined send a message only to that device. is this possible?

also I feel we have experienced some weird fluctuations in the tick. is the Symcjams tick trying to be as accurate as possible? or it is more important to maintain a shared tick where all devices are in sync even if the tick becomes a bit irregular?



19/3/7 02:55(e)an, Chris McCormick igorleak idatzi zuen:
On 7/3/19 5:17 am, enrike wrote:> there are some issues I need to check yet

One thing that would make SyncJams more reliable is if I removed the elaborate state-sync feature. Alas I succumbed to the typical programmer scope-creep and tried to throw the whole kitchen sink into the protocol. What I should have done, and what I hope to work on in future, is to keep a very tight focus on clock sync. This would reduce the amount of traffic on the network to a single UDP packet per tick.



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