Hi All,

I would be happy to add abstractions based on maintained objects from other libraries to the maxlib library (where I caused all this trouble by removing the instable tcp-objects).


Fred Jan

On 31/03/2020 21.03, Edwin van der Heide wrote:
On 31 Mar 2020, at 09:21, IOhannes m zmölnig <zmoel...@iem.at> wrote:

On 3/30/20 11:03 PM, Edwin van der Heide wrote:
in any case, you need to solve the problem of interleaved messages from
multiple clients.
Yes you are right about iemnet/tcpclient vs mrpeach/tcpclient. And yes, I 
understand that solving the interleaved messages is important but that happens 
on the server side, not on the client side.
well, yes.
interleaving is indeed only a problem on the server side.

but even with [mrpeach/tcpclient] you will eventually receive lists that
are not delimited at the ";".
e.g. two packages "floa" and "t 23;\n bang;\n" is totally possible.
Thanks for pointing out that delimiting is also needed on the client side.



I’ve replaced it with iemnet/tcpclient and parse the bytes using [list store] 
(including some logic around it) and the crashes are gone on all platforms.



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