* Peter P. <peterpar...@fastmail.com> [2020-04-21 10:23]:
> * Ingo <i...@miamiwave.com> [2020-04-21 09:03]:
> > Does anybody know of an accurate mono or stereo VU meter?
> > 
> > Abstraction or external.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > Using env~ with the Pd internal level meter works but I don't seem to have
> > any reference of the real peak or RMS level.
> > 
> >  
> > 
> > The only thing I could do is sending some test signals from the SPDIF out to
> > my RME sound card and tweak the level to match 0dB.
> > 
> > But there should be an accurate level calculation directly within Pd .
> Have a look at the internal object [slope~] help patch. There is a
> subpatch for peak-meter there. But...
Oh, I mistyped the object name, it should be [slop~]!

> > I'm on Pd 0.49 on Debian.
> ... it is only available starting with Pd 0.50 which is available in
> Debian testing. Check for available versions of Pd on your computer with
> the shell command
>  $ aptitude versions puredata

Once you can create the [slop~] object look at
for an abstraction called [rpdb~] which uses [slop~] to output rms and
peak as a list formatted for use with Pd's VU meter object.

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