Hi, thanks a lot for all your input !

On 2020-06-01 21:58, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:

this sounds like totally doable in a GUI plugin.
no need to add cruft to Pd (in an early release stage).

Thanks ! I totally forgot about that possibility.
Will give it a try.

You're right ! If there's a way to do this with the tools available, that's better.

On 2020-06-02 06:38, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
requests can be made at any time, it's just not likely they'll be
attended for the next release at this point...

I know it was bad timing. I just stumbled upon this idea recently,
and of course i really wasn't thinking about this upcoming release.

you can also open requests on github if you will, though it's nice to
have them discussed on the list.

where/how exactly would i do that ?
i can just find "issues" as a category, which my request isn't.
(of course i have some other minor suggestions, too ;-))

Anyway, I opened a ticket for this 'init' request, I'll get to it
eventually - see https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/issues/1050

Thanks a lot, Alex !

This request is anyway the more important one, since i figure it would mean expanding PD's core code.
Would be great to have it sometime !



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