Hi, I've actually been struggling since yesterday to update and change
those files to include my live electronics tutorial as part of the download
package,and I've been miserably failing at it. Sorry, it's been a mess! My
idea is that both of these things need now to be merged into a single combo
pack and I'm trying to find the best way - see

And be welcome to help me figure it out :)

How does this script works? Maybe I can use it to make people get both the
else library and the tutorial together. But maybe we can discuss it in an
issue on my guthub, open an issue there?

Em dom., 7 de jun. de 2020 às 10:11, Roman Haefeli <reduz...@gmail.com>

> On Sun, 2020-06-07 at 14:49 +0200, Roman Haefeli wrote:
> > Hi Alex (Porres)
> >
> > I noticed that only the most recent version of ELSE is available
> > through Deken.
> I see you released 1.0beta28-with-Live-Electronics-Tutorial.

Yeah, I haven't announced yet cause I'm still in the process of updating,
but there's a new version coming out!

To make things worse, I can't compile on windows anymore with the new pd
lib builder... but mac and linux versions so far. To make things even
crazier, I've been trying different formats and standards, so deken might
be confusing for a day or 2.

> Please
> remove .git from the Live-Electronics-Tutorial folder. There is no
> point in distributing the whole git history with a released version.

I just gave up what I was trying to do and I'm just including the folder of
the live electronics tutorial inside else now. I missed this because it is
a hidden file in my system, I didn't even noticed. Thanks!

Well, anyway, you can still find all versions on github
https://github.com/porres/pd-else/releases new one is still missing windows
binaries and I'm asking Lucas help for that

> Thanks. And many thanks for the library!

welcome :)

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