thanks johannes,

for the clarification! 
always better to know, there is no magic involved :-)
(though i wasn´t implying [text] but the .txt format, which i believed to be 
“external" to pd, if that makes sense - appearantly not).

as long as there are workarounds, i can live with that.
a fix is quite likely waaayyy beyond my capabilities.
but would it warrant opening an issue on github?
i am a bit shy for finding the correct wording…



> Am 20.09.2020 um 17:32 schrieb IOhannes m zmölnig <>:
> Am 20. September 2020 16:41:56 MESZ schrieb "hans w. koch" 
> <>:
>> yeah, this is consistent with my findings too…
>> it just mystifies me, why writing the contents of [text] containing
>> symbols to a .txt file and reloading converts them silently back to
>> floats, perserving precision.
>> seems like the .txt file format does some behind-the-scenes magic.
> hmm, no.
> the behaviour you are seeing is exactly because [text] does NOT do any behind 
> the scenes magic.
> all the problems come from the fact that the default string-representation 
> (and only the string-representation) of numbers is too coarse for 
> double-precision.
> mfg.hft.fsl
> IOhannes
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