To add on to Chris's question with a tangent, have any of you had good 
experience with bog-standard stereo USB Audio interfaces and RPI 3 or 4?

Some years ago now, I tried to use an RPI 2 with my trusty USB 1.1 standard 
audio interface (Roland Edirol UA-25) which is full-duplex stereo, 2 in / 2 
out. I could never get it to work well in full-duplex mode without dropouts, 
even with a low-latency kernel and other real-time tweaks. In the end, it 
seemed the USB driver on the RPI was simply not designed for the "isynchronous 
audio" this requires.

The same device worked well on my original wearable, a Pentium 3 500 MHz 
machine but with a dedicated USB controller chip.

In the end, I decided to move toward iOS for embedded/wearable (hence PdParty) 
and the same device works very well at low-latencies on iPads and my (now old) 
iPhone 5S.

I'd like to still be able to run the setup with alternate systems, so does 
anyone have experience that the USB drivers have been improved? Thanks in 

> On Oct 6, 2020, at 12:00 PM, wrote:
> Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2020 10:48:48 +0800
> From: Chris McCormick < <>>
> To: PD List < <>>
> Subject: [PD] audio interface with multiple ins on raspberry pi
> Message-ID: < 
> <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Hey all,
> Same question as the previous poster but I was wondering about inputs 
> rather than outputs. Ideal solution:
>  * USB.
>  * Low cost.
>  * More than 2 channels in.
>  * Headphone sized jacks.
>  * Works with Raspberry Pi.
> I've searched but could not find such a beast. Any hints?
> Cheers,
> Chris.

Dan Wilcox
@danomatika <> <> <>

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