Pd's a single thread - you'll have a much easier time adding stuff to
Pd than to Max :)


On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 12:35:02PM -0700, Iain Duncan wrote:
> Hi Andy, well I've ordered your book to learn PD, so I'm at least that
> committed! :-)  My overarching goal is to make tools for composing,
> improvising, and sequencing, so at this point, I'm punting on signals.
> First I want to support everything in Rick Taubes's Notes From the
> Metalevel book, along with a bunch of my own ideas, for algorithmic and
> computer assisted composition/improvisation. But I am hoping to get signals
> into play eventually. Which makes this a good time for a question...
> In Max, my understanding is that if Overdrive is on and Scheduler in
> Interrupt is selected,  we actually get only two threads: low priority
> thread running who knows when, and high priority thread alternating between
> a pass of eating up the scheduler queue (up to the limit) and then a pass
> of the audio vector render. So given that I'm forcing all messages to run
> in the high priority thread (unless the user asks for danger-mode Any), I
> *think* I should have no problem calling into S7 and sharing data from both
> dsp perform routines and regular event scheduled messages. I have not,
> however, actually done this yet. Can anyone tell me what the situation in
> PD is there? Or point me at good docs/resources on how the threading and
> scheduling works in PD?
> Thanks
> iain
> On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 12:23 PM Andy Farnell <padawa...@obiwannabe.co.uk>
> wrote:
> > My last love affair with parentheses was in Racket.
> > Although my only ever somewhat successful musical adventures
> > in this style were with Roger Dannenberg's CLM/Nyquist
> >
> > Lets see what happens if Iain brings S7 over.
> >
> > Iain, how are you thinking of handling signals
> >  (or not)?
> >
> > andy
> >
> > On Fri, Oct 23, 2020 at 11:31:48AM +0200, Kjetil Matheussen wrote:
> > > On Thu, Oct 22, 2020 at 10:26 AM Andy Farnell
> > > <padawa...@obiwannabe.co.uk> wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Would love to see Scheme come to Pd.
> > > >
> > > There's also k_guile from 2004, that still compiles:
> > > https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/kmatheussen/k_guile__;!!Mih3wA!R6td8jy_IlJ5bOCoY02BZdcXbj7A38N3Ca1EA4vlqYbpelSmHtr_uAjQ6hgi$
> > >  
> > > Don't know if it still works though.
> > >
> > > Guess there are other alternatives as well, but they all probably
> > > suffer a bit from gc non-rt performance. To fix this I later extended
> > > the code from k_guile to run in a separate thread to avoid cpu spikes,
> > > but this code was only added to the snd sound editor (when snd was
> > > compiled as a pd external), and that code was probably removed from
> > > snd when switching from guile to s7.
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