On Mon, 2021-01-18 at 12:43 +0100, IOhannes m zmölnig wrote:
> afaik, the only thing that does not work¹ are emojis. while they are 
> technically just unicode symbols, it seems that i cannot enter them 
> (although they are displayed correctly, if you get them into the
> patch 

Saying "the only thing that does not work" implies everything else
works. I'm not sure what you exactly mean by that. Are you saying that
utf-8-support is fully implemented, but Pd's font doesn't contain all
symbols? Or do you even mean all utf-8 can be displayed in Pd (except

On a minimal Debian Buster where I basically only installed Pd 0.51.3
from backports, I cannot display many symbols in Pd, although the same
symbols are displayed correctly in the terminal. See attached
screenshot with a clef example. 

I don't have a problem with Pd's utf-8 support per se, but according to
your statement I wonder what is expected and what is a bug.


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