I don't know if this is purely "canonical", but this is how it works:

The Document's path was added to provide a default location for deken to 
download externals, ~/Documents/Pd. It is purely optional but builds on the 
existing search path functionality. The idea is help beginners manage search 
paths and move away from installing stuff to extra or ~/pd-externals, etc. It 
is implemented as a gui plugin which is included with Pd. The source is in the 
Pd tcl folder.

If the Documents path is used, an "externals" subfolder is created and added to 
the search paths, so installing something via deken, should only require 
[declare] -path and/or -lib for usage. Basically, if an abstraction-only 
library is in ~/Documents/Pd/externals ala ~/Documents/Pd/externals/extname, 
then it should be found with [declare -path extname] assuming the user is using 
the Documents path *and* has installed the "extname" external to the default 
location via deken. You can, of course, manually add external folders as well.

Additionally, you can restrict declare to only look in relative paths when 
adding folders relative to a patch by prepending  . or .. to the beginning, ie 
[declare -path ./extname] will only look for a folder named "extname" in the 
same folder as the patch, without looking in any of the user or "standard" 
search paths.

> On Feb 16, 2021, at 12:00 PM, pd-list-requ...@lists.iem.at wrote:
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2021 10:33:52 +0100
> From: João Pais <jmmmp...@gmail.com <mailto:jmmmp...@gmail.com>>
> To: pd-list@lists.iem.at <mailto:pd-list@lists.iem.at>
> Subject: Re: [PD] list item picker widget - [declare] lib paths
> Message-ID: <e362b696-301a-ee0d-e4d9-a5db6ee32...@gmail.com 
> <mailto:e362b696-301a-ee0d-e4d9-a5db6ee32...@gmail.com>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
>>> I'm not quite sure what the canonical declaration style is, -lib/-
>>> path or -stdlib/-stdpath. I guess the former will work better for
>>> Pd's own default setup.
>> I should say this is true since 0.50 or so. Before that, -stdlib/-
>> stdpath was the common thing to use.
> What would be then the canonical now, no "-std"? I can change that 
> easily in my patches, but would be good to have it confirmed.

Dan Wilcox
@danomatika <http://twitter.com/danomatika>
danomatika.com <http://danomatika.com/>
robotcowboy.com <http://robotcowboy.com/>

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