I really like the new feature where you can search explicitly for an object
or a library.

one thing though is that people expect all objects are findable, but ones
uploaded earlier (like the ones from pd extended) do not have an object
list, right?

On facebook someone was searching for "envgen", hoping to find the one from
'ggee' (only that he didn't know it was from ggee, hence he looked for the
object) but found a library called "jl", with an object with the same name,
which wasn't a GUI so he thought there was a bug with Pd Vanilla...

not sure if there's an easy way to add all objects to deken to minimize
this issue. At least for all externals in extended. Do we need to reupload
them one by one (newer uploads to deken automatically provide an object
list, right?)??? Is it too much work and no one wants that? I can help with
tedious work...


Em seg., 1 de mar. de 2021 às 07:16, IOhannes m zmoelnig <zmoel...@iem.at>

> On 2/26/21 8:40 PM, Lucas Cordiviola wrote:
> > We can document
> [...]
> > - https://github.com/pure-data/deken/issues/84#issuecomment-786533931
> note that this doesn't yet work with Pd-vanilla, as it requires a (tiny)
> bit of changes on the Pd-core side.
> there's a branch in the pure-data repository that has these changes
> (named "feature/dekenception" or somesuch), but not even a pull-requests.
> this branch also requires the latest deken incorporated into Pd (for
> which there isn't a PR yet either).
> i'm planning to do the deken PR later this week, but as i did a bit of
> code-refactoring, it would require some more testing. volunteers are
> welcome.
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