On Fri, 2022-01-14 at 23:17 +0100, Athos Bacchiocchi wrote:
> I was curious so I compiled pd-0.52-1 on linux, with DEFDACBLKSIZE
> set to 16.
> I set Jack up with buffer size 16, and run pd with jack backend.
> Most of the patches in the help browser works, but at least these
> objects fail to load:
> sigcatch : unexpected vector size
> throw~ : vector size mismatch
> receive~ : vector size mismatch
> sigsend : unexpected vector size

Oh, interesting. Haven't tried myself yet, but good to know that many
patches wouldn't work. I can't get around using [receive~].

> In the options for ALSA, the current block size is displayed
> correctly as 16 but you cannot select it again once you change it.

That makes sense. The menu dialog code would probably need to be
adapted for that.


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