Each time a [random] is created it gets a new (pseudo-random) seed - so if
you want total repeatability you should exit and restart Pd.  Then you should
see exactly the same behavior on linux and on Mac.


On Thu, Mar 10, 2022 at 12:04:15PM +0100, Yann Seznec wrote:
> Hi! Here's thing I’m confused about…if I use [random] to generate some 
> numbers on startup, it appears to have different behaviour on macOS and on 
> linux (running on a raspberry pi). 
> With a very simple patch generate a stream of random numbers using [random] 
> (with no seed) and printing to console, on macOS it will create a different 
> random set every time I launch the patch. On linux, it will generate the same 
> set of numbers each time the patch is launched. It feels to me like the 
> [random] object on linux is using the same seed each time, whereas on macOS 
> it is either using a new seed each time or just not using a seed at all (if 
> that’s possible, I’m clearly no random number specialist). 
> Any thoughts appreciated. Thanks!
> Yann
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